Fly Me There


On-going | Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong
現正展出 | 香港國際機場, 香港

Exhibition period: 18 Dec 2024 – 15 Feb 2025
Exhibition hours: 08:30 – 18:30

展覽期間: 2024年12月18日 – 2025年2月15日
展覽時間: 08:30 – 18:30

Concept, design and panoramic photography: Jeffrey Shaw, Sarah Kenderdine
概念、設計及全景攝影: 邵志飛、Sarah Kenderdine


Immerse yourself in a groundbreaking fusion of art and technology inside the world’s first 360-degree 3D interactive LED cinema. Virtually take off from Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and find yourself instantly amidst the breathtaking cultural heritage sites of China, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Turkey, and Sri Lanka. The high-resolution 3D panoramic photography is so vivid that you’ll feel as if you’re truly there, soaring through the clouds on an awe-inspiring VR flight.

瞬間展航- 3D沉浸式航班飛往亞洲壯麗文化遺產

誠邀您在這全球首個360度3D互動LED影院中,體驗—場藝術與科技的革命性融合! 從香港國際機場虛擬起飛,瞬時遊歷中國、柬埔寨、印度、印尼、緬甸、泰國、土耳其和斯里蘭卡的壯麗文化遺產。高解像度的3D全景影像大大增加虛擬實境飛行的真實感,讓您彷彿置身其中,隨著雲朵翱翔。


In collaboration with École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, and City University of Hong Kong (CityU), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) has launched a cutting-edge initiative to develop “Future Cinema Systems” (FCS). FCS is a next-generation platform for artists and the creative industries to meet the growing demand for new interactive, immersive forms of cultural entertainment and education experience.

The FCS project is awarded HK$35.4 million by the Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITSP) under the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government.


香港浸會大學與瑞士洛桑聯邦理工大學和香港城市大學合作推出了一項尖端的計劃-發展「未來影院系統」。這個綜合系統旨在協助藝術家和創意行業.滿足需求日益增長的嶄新互動沉浸式文娛和教育體驗。此項目獲香港特別行政區政府創新科技署轄下的「創新及科技支援計劃」撥款港幣3 , 540萬元。

Concept, design and panoramic photography: Jeffrey Shaw, Sarah Kenderdine
Project Manager: Ching Lee
Application software: Vack Cheung, Alejandro Rodríguez, Leoson Cheong 
Panoramic image processing: Suzanne Poon, Melody Chan, Paul Bourke, Amy Tong, Jeremy Ip
Technical and logistical support: Sum Wong, Vack Cheung, Paul Bethge, Paul Bourke, Keats Lam, Teresa Poon, Jeff Zhang
nVis 360-degree LED visualization system: HKBU Visualization Research Centre and Immersive Unlimited Limited (Hong Kong)
nVis production supervision: Ching Lee, Sum Wong
nVis hoarding graphics: Sini Liu, Kammy Lee
Project consultants: Marian Gaultney, Nelly Lam
Production partners: City University of Hong Kong and EPFL Switzerland
Original panoramic stereoscopic photographic field work supported by: Australian Research Council Linkage Project LP150100318 and the Borusan Contemporary Art Collection

“FLY ME THERE” is a Future Cinema Systems project funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government, and presented by the Airport Authority Hong Kong.

概念、設計及全景攝影: 邵志飛、Sarah Kenderdine
項目經理: Ching Lee
應用軟件: Vack Cheung, Alejandro Rodríguez, Leoson Cheong 
全景圖像處理: Suzanne Poon, Melody Chan, Paul Bourke, Amy Tong, Jeremy Ip
技術及物流支援: Sum Wong, Vack Cheung, Paul Bethge, Paul Bourke, Keats Lam, Teresa Poon, Jeff Zhang
nVis 360度LED視覺化系統: HKBU Visualization Research Centre and Immersive Unlimited Limited (Hong Kong)
nVis 製作監督: Ching Lee, Sum Wong
nVis 展板圖設計: Sini Liu, Kammy Lee
項目顧問: Marian Gaultney, Nelly Lam
合作伙伴: City University of Hong Kong and EPFL Switzerland
原創全景3D實地拍攝支持: Australian Research Council Linkage Project LP150100318 and the Borusan Contemporary Art Collection
