
Atlas of Maritime Buddhism

Atlas of Maritime Buddhism

2018 I on-goingThis project investigates the compelling story of the spread of Buddhism through the seaports of Eurasia. Encompassing hundreds of sites and artefacts across India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and China, the Atlas of Maritime...

The Buddhist Maritime Silk Road

The Buddhist Maritime Silk Road

2021 I Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum, Kaohsiung, TaiwanThe Buddhist Maritime Silk Road is a permanent museological presentation of the Atlas of Maritime Buddhism. New media art plays a pivotal role in this exhibition setting out to fully engage the viewer in an embodied...

Nature Time

Nature Time

2023 | Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong KongThis work relates to Prof. Jeffrey Shaw’s pioneering 1989 installation the Legible City, where the viewer rides a bicycle to explore a virtual urban landscape. In Nature Time three such bicycles are arranged in a room facing...

Dreamscape of the Qianlong Emperor

Dreamscape of the Qianlong Emperor

2022 | Hong Kong Palace Museum, Hong Kong[ba_video_popup image="" icon="3" type="video" video=""...

Eight Interactive Horses

Eight Interactive Horses

2022 | Hong Kong Palace Museum, Hong KongIn Eight Interactive Horses, the eight mythological steeds in this installation are line-drawn animations based on the motion capture data of real horses.[ba_video_popup...

Flying Mythological Horses

Flying Mythological Horses

2022 | Hong Kong Palace Museum, Hong KongPhysical objects and paintings of mythological flying horses from the Palace Museum collection is virtually brought to life as real-time animations that pass across projection screens above the museum visitors’...



2023 I Dimensions Exhibition, Leipzig, GermanyThe cave background in Leonardo da Vinci’s painting Virgin of the Rocks, with its rocks, flora and distant landscape, is virtually modelled as an explorable three dimensional augmented reality environment situated behind a...